I have actually never celebrated Halloween or dressed up before …
This Halloween post may be a tad bit late but better late than never right? In all honesty, I have never dressed up as a witch or a clown or gone trick or treating to get countless candies. Of course, gaining a supply of endless delicious chocolates is any person’s dream but it’s not something which I have done yet. I thought and thought about what I can post about relating to Halloween and decided to write spontaneously. So here comes a random mumble jumble of Halloween relating anecdotes and made-up fictions. Let’s start off with the personal story, shall we?
I have always been a fan of Geronimo Stilton books and it’s almost a tradition to read ‘It's Halloween You 'Fraidy Mouse’ on Halloween. I have my very own personal copy of the book which I went to great lengths to get, but I will mention this journey in another post simply due to length. Anyway, I have yet to read the book this Halloween, but it is high up on my bucket list. People often call me childish for having the Geronimo Stilton books, but I take great pride in owning them and reading them. It’s a source of nostalgia for me. In ‘It’s Halloween You ‘Fraidy Mouse’, Geronimo encounters skeletons, ghosts, mummies, scary menus and fun-filled games.
Speaking of skeletons, the lab I used to work at had a skeleton which was there for biology purposes I believe. I was staying back one night to finish up my lab report when the lights went out with a flash of lightning. It was pitch black. I snatched my phone out of my pocket and turned the torch on in the blink of an eye. The light mildly calmed my racing heart which didn’t last too long. I started hearing light footsteps slowly growing louder from somewhere. Fearing for my life, I reluctantly turned my head slowly from front to back and left to right, my phone gripped tightly in my hands. With one blurry glance, everything looked normal, but the second glance made my body freeze. My skeleton friend was missing. Maybe, just maybe, it wasn’t there since the morning or the boss had moved it, or it went on a holiday because work is just boring or …
I didn’t waste a single second more. For emotional and mental support, I called my dad straight away but ahhhhhh, he didn’t pick up the call. My mum did so I pretended everything was fine and had a long breathless conversation with her while sprinting down the corridor. Lightning and thunder were playing tag in the sky while the icy rain was drowning the town. BOOM. The lights flickered back on, but of course, I was no longer in the vicinity. My sweaty, shaking self was seated safely in my sound car speeding my way home, my eyes glimpsing occasionally into the rearview mirror to check on my work building and surroundings.
Now which part was the anecdote, and which part was the fiction?
Written with sincerity,